BV Nordic Centre

McBike Family Welcome Day at the BV Nordic Centre

The Bulkley Valley Cross Country Ski Club invites you to our annual Family Welcome Day featuring free skiing all day.

Jill & Peter Krause from McBike will be on hand with their rental fleet to provide free rental skis & boots and the Club's Ski Skool equipment will also be available. Last skis go out at 2:00 and all equipment must be returned by 3:00. Although skiing is free all day, for insurance purposes guests are asked to still pick up passes to wear. These can be found outside at far end of the lodge and at the dog parking lot.

Volunteers are needed to help welcome new skiers & hand out passes, fit ski equipment, etc. If you have time to help spread the joy of nordic skiing to others, please add your name to our sign up sheet.


When: Sunday, February 16, 2025.
Where: Bulkley Valley Nordic Centre at 8.5km on Hudson Bay Mountain Road.
10am Free ski rentals available on site compliments of McBike; skis must be returned by 3:00.