BV Nordic Centre

Trail Map

There are many versions of our trail maps available:



The trailforks mobile app will allow you to see our trail network and where you are on it without having to use cell data. See their website for how to install and use the app

Our trailforks page is

A cool feature of the Trailforks app is the ability for anyone to report on conditions or issues. You can also earn Trail Karma. By donating money to the club's trail fund, your Trail Karma will improve your chance of great snow and will make the hills a little less steep, (or more grueling if that is what you want). 😉

Avenza Maps

Avenza Maps is an application that allows you to view your location on our georeferenced map pdf and is available for iOS on the App Store and for Android on Google Play store. The free version will let you use up to three active maps at a time. You will definitely want this to be one of those 3 maps. If you don't already have Avenza Maps installed here are links to install it for iOS and Android:

Once you have Avenza Maps installed following this link should import the map into the app pdfmap://


If that link does not import the map then follow these instructions on how to import maps into Avenza Maps:

All Avenza Maps help is here