BV Nordic Centre

Trail Plan

NOTE: As of October 2024, the trail plan is being updated. One of the components supporting the next trail plan is the following report (12 MB PDF): Competition and Training Trails 2024 Master Plan 


Bulkley Valley Cross Country Ski Club has a trail plan. Download the Trail Plan for 2023-2026. This plan incorporates the results of a membership survey conducted in the spring of 2021 as well as input from members and the board of directors.  Trail planning will continue to evolve as we receive feedback from skiers, First Nations, Recreation Sites and Trails and as we learn more from our planning and fundraising efforts.

Implementation of work identified in the trail plan is conditional upon volunteer leadership, government approvals, and funding. 

The BV Cross Country Ski Club completed a trail plan in 2017 which launched a five year “Trails for Tomorrow” program.  That program focussed on addressing risk from beetle-killed trees, improving drainage and grading, addressing climate change by creating an early season trail network, expanding the trail network, improving signage, and reducing the effort required to maintain and groom trails.  From 2017 to 2021, the club undertook approximately $255,000 of work with major funding from:

  • Recreation Sites and Trails BC;
  • Wetzin’kwa Community Forest;
  • BC Rural Dividend Fund; and
  • BV Cross Country Ski Club

Contact us: If you are interested in helping out with trail planning, maintenance, or development, or if you have questions or suggestions about the trail plan, please send a note to