BV Nordic Centre

AGM special resolutions

Wednesday October 4, 2023

We are proposing a few changes to our bylaws, which will be voted on at our AGM.

1)  Change term for directors from two years to one year

One year term of office for elected directors:

 Section 4.3  Directors elected or appointed at an annual general meeting will have a term of office that expires at the end of the next annual general meeting. 

2)  Define term of membership

Term of Membership: 

Section 2.4   Memberships are valid from the date of purchase until the end of the AGM held during the following club fiscal year

3)  Establish mechanism to remove director 

Removal of Directors

Section 4.6  Any director who does not attend (in person, by phone, or via the internet) one half of the regularly scheduled board meetings may be removed from the board by a majority vote by the rest of the board members.

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