Club Fundraiser for FireSmart Upgrades
Wednesday February 26, 2025
Help us protect our club assets with Fire Smarting our storage shed! Click this link to go to the Canada Helps fundraiser webpage where you can donate to our club fundraiser to help make these upgrades possible.
Nordiq Canada will provide a receipt that is tax deductible. Another bonus is your donation will have extra power if you donate soon: Cross Country BC has some amazing donors who are topping up the fundraising efforts of BC clubs by providing as much as a 50% match to the first $4,000 raised by each club.
Our storage shed was built long ago and is still valuable for storing signs, race equipment and grooming gear. However, the shed has some issues that put it at high risk from ever-increasing wildfires. And if it burns, it will likely set fire to the nearby garage that houses our new Bison snowcat. To keep these assets safe, we plan to put the old shed on a concrete foundation, install soffits to prevent embers from entering and install metal siding. We already have a grant for 50% of the $52,000 cost. If we raise $10,000 from this fundraiser, we will cover the rest from our club reserve funds. Old shed needs a little love.