Teck Northern Cup #2 Race Report
Friday January 28, 2022
The 2022 Teck Northern Cup #2 was an awesome success. The event was held Sunday, January 2nd at the Bulkley Valley Nordic Centre in Smithers. Attendees were able to shake off the New Year’s deep freeze and get outside for this fun event. Despite the cold temperatures threatening cancellation, there was a brief reprieve to have racers set off on the interval classic course in a comfortable -6C. Trail conditions were in excellent shape thanks to the tireless work by the grooming team. 72 racers participated from clubs across the Northwest including Vanderhoof, Burns Lake, Houston, Telkwa, Smithers, Terrace and Whitehorse.
The event also included the Zone 7 Qualifying Trials for the BC Winter Games. Athletes born in 2007 and 2008 and coaches now wait with anticipation for the Vernon BC Winter Games scheduled for February 24-27.
Race results are available on Zone 4 here.
Thank you to our generous event and series sponsor, Teck and the many volunteers and officials that made the race possible.